What to expect at our worship service.

About our service:

Blended Service Statement
Blended Service is a term that is used to suggest that our worship includes elements of contemporary and traditional worship. It means that our service is printed out rather than taken from the hymnal.  It means that our worship has particular components but that these components vary from Sunday to Sunday.

Our service is up on screens at the front of the chancel. Large print bulletins are available for those that need them as are hearing devices. We have communion at every worship service.

We like to sing and we do so several times during the service. We have a very talented keyboard artist that plays a musical medley at the end of the service on our spectacular concert grand piano and multiple electronic keyboards. Other musicians may join John from time to time playing on drums or violin or trumpet, etc. Our choir sings from October through to May with occasional guest soloists.

When are the worship services?

Since Marco Island is a seasonal resort town our numbers vary greatly depending on the month.

Sunday morning worship:
January through Easter we grow from approx. 200 congregants to over 800 by Easter. We have Sunday services at 9:30 a.m. 

Saturday worship at 5:00 p.m.:
Begins in January and ends April 4th. 

What happens when I arrive?

When you arrive at Marco Lutheran you enter though our main doors. Greeters will be standing on the steps of the church waiting to welcome everyone that comes to worship. We start the service with a welcome message, introduction of visitors and timely announcements. 

What should I wear?

We are mostly casual here, some dress up and some do not. You are free to wear whatever you are most comfortable in. But please - no swimwear.

How can I learn more about your church?

If you are interested, we have a “Discover Marco” class that meets for 4 weeks, twice a year after Sunday worship. Email Us to find out when the next class meets.
