Women of Marco

The Women of Marco extend a huge THANK YOU to those who donated to,       worked at, or purchased items from the rummage sale.  

We appreciate each of you helping the WOM raise $10,000 to be used for missions, needs of MLC and WOM events.

We also thank the following businesses for their contributions: Thrivent Financial, Kay's on the Beach, Marco Island Florist, Winn Dixie, Kathein Jewelers, All in One Landscaping, and St. Matthew's House.

Women of Marco (WOM) is a service, social, and faith organization open to all women of Marco Lutheran Church.  Our mission is to provide an opportunity to strengthen our faith in service to the church and community.  This is done through service events, social events and support of missions.

We have a monthly business meeting the 1st Tuesday of the month at 10:00 am.  After the meetings if you would like we go for lunch for an opportunity to socialize and get know each other better.  There are lots of activities that the WOM either sponsor or coordinate. 

Check out the Women of Marco bulletin board down by the kitchen to see the mission organizations that are supported by the WOM!

Some Christmas Food, Fellowship, and Fun with the Women of Marco!
